Is Home Staging Worth The Money?

Is Home Staging Worth The Money?

It depends upon how quickly you want to sell your home and whether or not you want the highest possible price for it. Several of the homes we’ve staged in the past few weeks are already in escrow or have closed escrow. One San Gabriel home we staged last month had been on the market for over 6 months before staging. It went into escrow 1 day after staging!

The professional home stagers at Moving Mountains Design work to ensure the impression a potential buyer takes away after viewing your listing to be positive and long lasting.

Before and After Los Angeles home staging

Even if a potential buyer claims to want a fixer upper, or handyman’s special, they are more likely to choose a home, and pay more for a home, that appears to need less work, than one that is dirty, smelly or cluttered. Most people assume that if a home is dirty, smelly and/or cluttered that the current homeowner either didn’t know how to care for it or didn’t care about caring for it. They assume that there is going to be a lot of hidden damage and deferred maintenance. The buyer assumes that they are going to have to spend a lot more money before they can even move in and their offer will reflect those assumptions.

We recently staged a home in Arcadia priced at over $2M. Even though the home owner, a real estate agent, knew the home would probably be torn down, she opted to have it staged. She knew that the better the home looked, the higher the perceived value of both the home and the land. She didn’t look desperate to sell and willing to accept the first offer. And she was right…the home went under contract 1 week after staging at very close to her asking price.

If you think that hiring a professional home stager isn’t worth the money, your probably don’t know about the knowledge, support and assistance Moving Mountains Design can bring to the home selling process.

Besides being professional real estate stagers we have backgrounds in interior design, marketing and merchandising. We know how to make a home look not just good, but as good as it can possibly look. We have the resources, people and knowledge to minimize a home’s negative points and accentuate the home’s most buyer friendly attributes. Michelle Minch, owner of Moving Mountains Design has had extensive training in color, furniture placement, traffic flow and design. A professional stager knows how to work the magic that makes a house feel like a home which will appeal to the largest possible audience of potential buyers.

Is home staging worth the money? Click here to read what some of our recent clients think

Home staging is an investment in getting your home sold quickly and for the best possible price. Contact us today for a free estimate.

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